MAKOplasty Knee Surgery Involves Making Four To Six Small Incisions In The Tibia And Femur To Acc …

Using a robotic arm, the surgeon places an implant in the exact location. The surgeon plans the entire procedure using a 3-D model of the patient’s anatomy. This 3-D model helps the surgeon accurately position the implant, while preserving healthy bone and tissue. The process can take up to two hours.

The MAKOplasty procedure can be performed in several configurations, but the most common is the resurfacing of one compartment. The medial compartment is the most common location for the procedure and has a long-standing history of great results. This configuration is made even better with advances in robotic technology, including computer balancing and CT mapping. Ultimately, patients who undergo MAKOplasty may benefit from total knee replacement. Listed below are some of the advantages of this procedure.

MAKOplasty has major advantages over traditional knee replacement. Patients recover faster, enjoy less pain, and don’t have to stay in the hospital overnight. They can return to normal activities within a few weeks.Patients can Scottsdale even begin exercising again after their procedure. The recovery time depends on the extent of the surgery and the patient’s overall health. Overall, MAKOplasty offers many benefits over other knee procedures, and is an excellent alternative for patients considering total knee replacement.

Although the procedure is effective for patients with isolated arthritis, it carries risks. In obese patients, the procedure may not provide as much pain relief as in thin patients.(480) 483-0393 Patients should also know that this type of knee replacement may not be appropriate for the patient’s weight or condition. In addition, the risks associated with this procedure include pain and infection. Some patients may have a higher risk of infection or complications. The surgeon will use 3D computer imaging to help plan the procedure.

MAKOplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat osteoarthritis in patients who are unable to undergo conventional methods. The surgery, sometimes called a unicompartmental knee replacement, uses robotic technology to target the affected knee part, while sparing healthy bone. Because the procedure is robotic, it uses a two to three-inch incision as opposed to an eight-inch incision used in traditional total knee replacement surgeries.Additionally, this type of surgery 85258 uses 3D computer imaging to ensure a surgical result that is both comfortable and functional.

The recovery time after MAKOplasty is faster than with TKA, and patients can return to work within six weeks after the procedure. Because the incisions are smaller, the recovery time is shorter, with less pain and reduced scarring. Furthermore, the procedure is more precise, so fewer scars are left behind. Depending on your specific anatomy and the level of pain that you have experienced during the procedure, you may want to consider a robotic procedure.

Another option for makoplasty knee surgery is a robotic arm system. This innovative technology is a great way to position the implants correctly for optimal benefits.Although MAKOplasty is a very effective Arizona procedure, it has its risks. Talk to Dr. Martin to learn more about the benefits and risks of this procedure. After all, there’s no reason to live in pain without a new knee. When the time comes to undergo the procedure, you’ll be pleased with the results!

MAKOplasty is a robotic-assisted knee resurfacing procedure that can help patients with osteoarthritis in their knee. Robotic-arm technology allows the surgeon to target only the damaged tissue, while sparing healthy tissue.This procedure is also less invasive knee surgeon than traditional total knee surgery. It also requires smaller incisions, which means a shorter hospital stay. And it offers the added benefit of faster recovery

MAKOplasty Knee Surgery Involves Making Four To Six Small Incisions In The Tibia And Femur To Acc ...
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