The Benefits Of Using A Frequency WandThe Frequency Wand, Or High Frequency Wand, Is A B …

It can be used to treat a number of different skin conditions including acne, enlarged pores and dark circles.

It works by delivering a small electrical current to the skin through an electrode. This emits oxygen when applied to the face, killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.

How it works

High-frequency wands come in all shapes and sizes. Aside from the most basic model, you can splurge on more specialized devices to help treat acne, dry skin or even boost your gut health. For best results, choose an electrode wand that matches your skin type and budget. Be sure to test the machine out on your own before you hand it over to a client. To be on the safe side, don’t forget to turn off the device when done!

If you’re looking for a new way to improve your skin, check out our top picks. You won’t be disappointed! Having a shiny new device in your arsenal can help you feel good and look great. We’ve rounded up the best rated and most affordable models in one convenient place.


Acne is a common skin problem that occurs when the glands produce too much of the skin’s natural oil, called sebum. The sebum clogs the pores and creates whiteheads, blackheads, and papules.

If you’re a sufferer of stubborn breakouts that aren’t responding to topical or oral acne treatment, a frequency wand can help. These handheld tools emit electrical currents, which “heat the sebaceous gland and destroy the bacteria,” says Dr.

They also oxygenate the skin and increase circulation, according to Kerry Benjamin, licensed esthetician and founder of Stacked Skincare. Specifically, these devices feature electrodes that contain argon gas (think of it as a violet glow).

When the frequency wand benefits electrode touches the skin, the argon gas releases oxygen. Bacteria can’t live in oxygen, so it kills them on contact. Plus, it calms inflammation. For best results, use the device no more than once a day, and make sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin before each session.

Oily skin

A high frequency wand is designed to help clear and calm oily skin. It consists of a machine with a glass electrode attachment that’s filled with either argon gas (blue/ violet color) or neon gas (orange/red color).

The device works by sparking air between the electrode and your skin. This combines with oxygen, which travels deep within blemishes to kill acne-causing bacteria while calming inflammation and redness.

Kerry Benjamin, an esthetician and founder of Stacked Skincare, says this wand is great for helping to clear up blemishes. She recommends removing makeup and cleansing the skin before using it.

The device comes with several different electrodes to help target specific areas of your face and scalp. Choose from a mushroom cap for larger pimples, a pointy tip to target deeper cystic blemishes, and a spoon-shaped electrode that’s great for under-eyes.


Aging is a process of biological development that can be observed in the human body. Generally, ageing starts at birth and continues throughout the course of life.

As a consequence, aging is associated with the loss of many bodily functions such as eyesight, hearing and balance. It also entails gradual decline in reaction time and general knowledge.

The brain also begins to suffer from a series of changes that result in the loss of fluid intelligence (problem-solving with a novel material requiring complex relations) and other


functions. Additionally, the elasticity of the skin and its ability to maintain a firm appearance decreases.

The aging process is a natural process that happens to all people at different times and in different ways. However, it can be slowed by taking certain measures